A True Love/Hate Relationship... and other news.

I have a love/hate relationship with my kitchen. I love nothing more than spending the day pretending I'm a domestic goddess the likes of which would put Nigella to shame but I have a confession to make... I am a terribly messy cook. Far from having a gleaming kitchen at the end of an intense cooking session it more resembles the aftermath of world war three. I have been able to tame my Delia like tendencies of using every single bowl I own, but tidiness seems to have eluded me. I know, I am ashamed. I feel like a fraud! Try as I might I have yet to crack the ability to be a tidy cook and if I were ever to win the lottery I would employ a tidier to follow me around as I cooked so as to achieve a gleaming kitchen come the end of my cooking. Until then I will have to be content with being messy and untidy. Though, I have noticed taking pictures of my food as I'm cooking for upcoming blogs forces me to be a little tidier... Ha! Maybe this is the key? If you have any...