The introduction bit

Well this is first blog post for GastoGeekiness and I suppose the first post is always the one where we get all the introducing bit done so you get to know me a little and what exactly this blog is going to be about. So, here we go;

First, I don't profess to be any sort of great wordsmith and I will be the first to say my spelling is something to be desired (so please excuse any errors you see) but this blog, I hope, will show a sense of passion... of that I have in droves. For this blog will be dedicated to my love of food, cooking, baking, ingredients, Gastroclub and occasionally my internal ramblings that can wander into strange, random but hopefully fun places.

So, the excuses for typos have been written and a brief explanation of the blogs purpose has too. Now about me...

My name is Stephanie, you can call me Steph or anything else you wish, as long as it isn't too vicious. When people used to ask me 'what I did' I usually replied that my occupation was 'part time extraordinaire'. Now I don't use such an outlandish term anymore but I always thought it was the best way to describe what I 'did'. I do a lot of things part time as well as full time, get paid terribly (like most) but love what I do. I spend my spare time reading recipe books (a vastly growing collection, current number unknown), devising recipes, experimenting with new ideas and cooking old favourites. Whilst always willingly testing them on family, friends, colleagues and anyone I can get my hands on, whether they are willing or not.

I derive a unique pleasure from seeing the food I make being enjoyed by others. Nothing can compare to that moment where you offer up your wares to another who then takes a bite, all the while you're nervousness and excitement bubbles inside you, for them then to smile and with delight take another mouthful. I don't require a song and dance parade or shouting from the roof tops about how much people enjoy my food but having someone say you did a good job (like with anything in life) confirms to me that my hard work was worth it, and that confirmation proves to myself that I AM actually good at something... However, I'll never object to a song and dance parade every now and then, ha ha, no point in lying. 

So, there you go. I thought I'd stop my first post there. How did I do?
I hope to write many more and get to know some great bloggers too... any recommendations please don't hesitate to let me know.

I'll be signing off now, but how to do it? I'll say what one person said to me once on parting after they learnt what I called my occupation:

Remember... stay extraordinary.

Till next time, Steph x


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